
Private Equity Finance (MBA)

Spring 2024, 2025

The course “Private Equity Finance” focuses on the essential aspects of corporate finance relevant to the private equity industry. It covers topics that are critical for interviews and practice in PE investing. The course follows the “private equity cycle” of selection, valuation, and harvesting. Initially, students learn to evaluate a target company from the perspective of a private equity firm, keeping in mind the needs of investors and management. The course then delves into funding negotiations, deal structuring, and private equity investment management. Classic valuation techniques such as DCF, comparables, and APV are reviewed, along with models specific to private equity transactions (for example, the LBO model). Additionally, students will gain insight into the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern private equity finance and the ethical considerations that arise in this field. Finally, the course concludes with a study of investment exit strategies.

Private Equity Field Study (MBA)

Fall 2024, Spring 2025

The Private Equity Field Study course pairs MBA students with local private equity firms to work on part-time, unpaid projects. Students would be expected to work roughly one day a week on the project, with the flexibility to increase hours in some weeks of the semester. 

The students will be expected to contribute 12 weeks to these projects that are mission-crucial but not mission-critical. These unpaid positions are the central component of this for-credit, full-semester course taught by Prof. Michael Ewens at Columbia Business School.  Beyond the work required for the firm, students must attend a weekly class session to report on their progress and produce a final presentation related to the in-semester project. 

Private Equity Value Creation (MBA)

Spring 2025

The course “Private Equity: Value Creation” explores the business ownership component of private equity. The typical private equity sponsor – either in a buyout or growth investment – intends to hold the investment for 5-7 years and create value during ownership or control.  The “value creation” process is a central feature of the private equity industry, as evidenced by the growing number of operating partners and narratives PE firms provide to their investors.  This course studies how private equity sponsors increase the value of their investments from deal closing to exit.  Using examples from real-world transactions and guest lectures, students will learn the how of value creation in private equity. The course focuses on three types of value creation strategies: financial engineering, governance engineering, and operational engineering.  

Private Equity Allocation (MBA)

Fall 2024 (co-taught with Kevin Lu, Partners Group)

The “Private Equity Allocation” course focuses on the asset allocator and fundraising perspectives of the private equity and general alternative asset space.  We start with an overview of the investor’s  – limited partner’s – problem: allocating capital to private equity managers, funds, and co-direct investments.  The course covers the major types of LPs, including both the traditional LPs, such as pensions, endowment, and insurers, and the fastest growing global LP segments, such as sovereign wealth funds in Asia and the Middle East, family offices, and private wealth in Europe and Asia.  We will investigate how illiquidity and the absence of periodic mark-to-markets stress the traditional portfolio construction problem.   The course will also incorporate the fundraising perspective of the typical private equity firm raising capital from these allocators.

Current Topics in Private Equity (MBA)

Spring 2023, 2024

This course provides students an overview of recent and emerging topics in private equity that influence industry decision-makers and capital providers. Understanding the political, regulatory, and macroeconomic issues that are covered in the course is critical for private equity practitioners’ success in their deal evaluation, valuation, asset allocation and post-deal integration activities. Discussion and analysis of these topics also ensures that students entering the private equity industry are prepared for conversations about critical topics with their colleagues. The topics for this term are:

  • Allocating private equity in the institutional investor’s portfolio and changes to risk and return.
  • Blurring the lines between public and private equity: new fund structures and emerging regulation.
  • Private equity as venture capital: growth equity and the changing investment model.
  • Private equity in emerging markets.
  • Does private equity matter? Exploring the impacts of private equity in firms and industries.

Research in Entrepreneurial Finance (PhD)

Spring 2023, Fall 2024

Research in Entrepreneurial Finance explores academic research covering the formation, financ- ing, growth and outcomes of entrepreneurial firms. These firms differ from those traditionally studied in finance and economics. Such differences include ownership structure (private vs. public), size, severity of financing constraints, and the role of financial intermediaries. This course aims to understand the sources and implications of these differences. The course will not follow the traditional approach that emphasizes literature reviews. Much like one must understand how bank balance sheets work before embarking on a banking paper or how mutual fund disclosures are regulated before studying ETFs, successful entrepreneurial finance researchers are required to understand a host of rules, norms and other institutional details. Thus, the majority of lectures will focus on the background material behind the literature’s major results such as regulations, data sources, actor norms and industry trends.

Each course module/week focuses on two to three academic papers, with two goals in mind. First, students will first learn about the major research questions, facts and methods used in the literature. Papers will be both empirical and theoretical, with an emphasis on the former. Second, the course will include background or institutional setting lectures. Here, we will evaluate each week’s major paper with the following question in mind: “What major institutional setting do I need to understand to successfully replicate this paper or understand the economic phenomenon tested?”

Teaching Experience

2014-2022 (Caltech)

Venture Capital [Undergraduate]

Empirical Methods in the Social Sciences [PhD]

Corporate Finance [Undergraduate]

Introduction to Financial Accounting [Undergraduate]

2010-2014 (CMU Tepper)

Empirical Methods in Corporate Finance and Accounting [PhD]

Private Equity Finance [MBA]

Venture Capital Finance [MBA]

Introduction to Entrepreneurial Finance [Undergrad] Entrepreneurial Finance: Valuation and Deal Structure [Undergrad]